Cannabis cultivation has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more states have legalized the plant for both medical and recreational use. However, when it comes to growing cannabis, there is an important decision to be made: indoor vs outdoor cannabis growing.

Premium Seed Market aims to provide our clients with the best seeds as well as guidance on how to turn these seeds into quality cannabis flower. In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of both indoor vs outdoor cannabis growing options to help you make an informed decision.

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Indoor Cannabis Cultivation

Indoor cannabis cultivation involves growing the plant in a controlled environment. A typical indoor cannabis cultivation setup consists of a dedicated housed grow space that is designed to simulate the ideal growing conditions for cannabis plants.

The grow space can be a room in a house or a specially designed tent or cabinet, depending on the size and scale of the operation.


  1. Control over the growing environment:
    With indoor cultivation, you have complete control over the growing environment, including temperature, humidity, lighting, and air circulation. This means you can create the ideal conditions for your plants to thrive.
  2. Ability to grow year-round:
    Indoor cultivation allows you to grow cannabis year-round, regardless of the weather outside. This means you can harvest your plants any time of the year and even more than once a year.
  3. Greater security and privacy:
    Growing cannabis indoors provides greater security and privacy, as the plants are hidden from view and are less likely to attract unwanted attention.



  1. Higher upfront and ongoing costs:
    Indoor cultivation requires a significant investment in equipment and infrastructure, including grow lights, fans, air filtration systems, and more. Additionally, the ongoing costs of electricity, water, and nutrients can add up quickly.
  2. Greater energy consumption and environmental impact:
    Indoor cultivation requires a lot of energy, water, and other resources, which can have a significant environmental impact.
  3. Potential for pest and disease problems:
    Indoor cultivation can make plants more susceptible to pest and disease problems, as the controlled environment can create ideal conditions for pests and pathogens to thrive.


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Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation

Outdoor cannabis cultivation involves growing the plant in a natural environment, such as a backyard, garden, or farm.

A typical outdoor cannabis cultivation setup is characterized by the use of natural sunlight and growing in soil, though other mediums like coco coir or peat moss can be used as well.


  1. Lower upfront and ongoing costs:
    Outdoor cultivation requires less investment in equipment and infrastructure, as the plants rely on natural sunlight and fresh air. This translates to lower upfront and ongoing costs.
  2. More environmentally sustainable:
    Outdoor cultivation is more environmentally sustainable, as it does not require the same level of energy consumption as indoor cultivation.
  3. Potentially higher yields:
    Outdoor cultivation can result in larger yields, as plants have access to unlimited amounts of natural sunlight and fresh air.



  1. Limited to the growing season:
    Outdoor cultivation is limited to the growing season, which can vary depending on your location and climate. This means that there is only one time per year that you can harvest your crops.
  2. Dependence on weather conditions:
    Outdoor cultivation is also dependent on weather conditions, which can be unpredictable and can have a significant impact on plant growth and yield.
  3. Greater vulnerability to theft and wildlife damage:
    Outdoor cultivation is more vulnerable to theft and wildlife damage, as the plants are exposed and less protected than they would be indoors.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Indoor & Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation

When deciding between indoor and outdoor cultivation, there are several factors to consider:

  • Climate and growing region:
    Your location and climate will determine whether indoor or outdoor cultivation is feasible and which option is best suited for your needs.
  • Available space and resources:
    The amount of space and resources you have available will also play a role in your decision.
  • Desired yields and quality:
    Your goals for yield and quality will influence whether indoor or outdoor cultivation is the better choice for you.
  • Personal preferences and goals:
    Your personal preferences and goals, such as privacy, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, will also factor into your decision.


Premium Seed Market: Guiding Your Cannabis Cultivation Path

In conclusion, the decision to cultivate cannabis indoors or outdoors depends on various factors, including climate, resources, goals, and personal preferences.

Indoor cultivation provides greater control and year-round growth but comes with higher costs and potential pest problems, while outdoor cultivation offers lower costs and more environmentally sustainable options but is limited to the growing season and vulnerable to weather and theft.

Careful consideration of these factors is crucial in making an informed decision about cannabis cultivation, whether for personal or commercial use.

Ultimately, both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the best option requires a balance of factors that suit your specific needs and goals.

Please check out our FAQ page for more information on statewide shipping. All of our products are in accordance with the Hemp Farming Act of 2018. Thanks for reading & stay tuned to the PSM Blog Page for more pertinent information regarding our seeds, ongoing hemp/cannabis education, and independent grower resources to help you along! Want more information on cannabis cultivation? Contact us here.

*Always consult a physician before making any changes to your health or fitness regimen.*